Seven crystalline spheres of higher consciousness book

Ascending the densities of consciousness divine cosmos. One of the most important qualities of consciousness is that it exists free from time and space limitations and it has the ability to transmit information without exchanging or using. My suggested hypothesis is, from a spiritual and physiological perspective, that the cosmological blueprint of consciousness and our body is brought into form as a primary function of the music of the spheres, om, amen, christ, buddha, muhammad, or krishna consciousness being transmitting through our. And so we come to the call of the higher nature, and the potencies of the soul that precipitate into the personality through the still small voice of conscience. Sep 15, 2015 seven cups of consciousness is a book that inspires and empowersif you are at all interested in changing your life using an alternative, higherdimensional approach, this is a mustread. These spheres form the framework within which all processes of life and consciousness occur. Spam or selfpromotional the list is spam or selfpromotional. The seven shamanic levels of consciousness is a book by dirk gillabel explaining the.

The seven spheres considering the godhead as a sun, there are surrounding and enfolding this central focus of intelligence, seven mighty spheres of consciousness, each one separated from the other by its own periphery line which forms the natural boundary of that particular sphere. However, there are many views on the exact nature of these spheres. May 31, 2008 this is where the question, what is crystalline consciousness. In the latter case, the higher consciousness of the individual spiritual. Therefore he must understand himself his seven principles in order to know. Introduction to the seven planes the science of spirituality. They are receptacles and tools of coded akash and are evidence of the increasing presence of the quantum crystalline field. Lynn andrews, new york times bestselling author of the medicine woman series. Cosmic ordering conscious evolution crystal healing earth changes. Also, i am open to recommendations to add to the list as long as the crystal also supports raising consciousness and is available in current inventory. Deconstructing alchemy of consciousness, dissolution mind.

May 30, 2017 deaths doorway to our divine destiny what happens after death. Angela barnett 7 7 15 crystalai your cells are listening dr. I shone in the diamond and the enlightened crystal. The earth is ascending through a monumental shift of consciousness into the 5th dimension the 5th density and everyone is being invited to join in. Embodiment opens the external and internal stargates for the return of the christ crystalline unity consciousness. In an attempt to familiarize you with the levels of consciousness, we have taken the following for. Nov 09, 2015 the higher crystal consciousness pouch contains 3 of the 8 crystals listed above. Your crystal cord also nourishes that special, radiant flame of god that is ensconced in the secret chamber of your heart. The colour range includes purple, gold, brown and clear with flecks of the included minerals. In it you will find the story of how my husband was hit. Feb 01, 2019 seven crystalline spheres of higher consciousness. Upon each of these spheres, there is a temple or mystery school where we can travel in our higher bodies to expand our consciousness and embrace the. The energies of the 7 synergize and are present throughout the crystalline matrix formations. Levels of consciousnessstep i the idea of levels of psychical faculties was first comprehensively outlined by l.

I am presence the chart of the divine self the real self. In an attempt to familiarize you with the levels of consciousness, we have taken the following for the sake of clarity and ease. Opening the seven seals of godconsciousness archangel. My book mass awakening is a cover to cover full disclosure book about the great awakening of humanity globally, the cabals dark agenda, and the upcoming changes in all aspects of our lives on earth the meaning of ascend. May 27, 2015 some time ago we gave you the gift of seven crystalline spheres of higher consciousness, whereby you began the process of returning your chakra system to a harmonious state, by breathing spheres of light from your god seed atom i am presence into each of the seven major chakra centers of the physical body. Super seven is a combination crystal that is composed of amethyst, cacoxenite, goethite, lepidocrosite, quartz clear, smokey quartz and rutile. Because of the different degrees in which each sphere vibrates with the energy of spiritual life, those of the lowest sphere cannot see the higher spheres nor live in them until their internal. Before you incarnated, you, as your essence, or your higher self, choose to. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, stored, posted or transmitted in any format or. Crystalline spheres besides the crystal ball at first used to contact them. Throughout the seven spheres of the spiritmatter cosmos, karma is the law of.

According to merriamwebster dictionary, ascend means to move upward, to rise from a lower level or. Some time ago we gave you the gift of seven crystalline spheres of higher. Astronomers have discovered that during this time, our solar system will be passing through the core of a massive photon belt floating in the milky way, which we will be moving through for the next 2000 years. It features original scholarly articles, interviews, translations, and book. I have metaphysically looked at this field of consciousness and asked, is this god. Stages of higher consciousness integral esotericisn.

Higher consciousness is the consciousness of a god or the part of the human mind that is. There are seven different spheres of consciousness that encircle and radiate out from the heart of all that is. Obviously, everything is from and of the divine or god, but this field of consciousness is not the vastness of isness that we call god. The enlightened human has these 4 spheres of consciousness. Super seven the stone of higher consciousness stones. My name is shoshi herscu, an investigative journalist and a writer. It knows what to do and through the use of the subconscious mind, the physical vessel, the crystalline consciousness of the vessel merges with that of the crystal and the dance begins. What the chart of your divine self shows is that each of us has a higher self and. Paper the sacred spheres of paradise urantia book. Opening the seven seals of godconsciousness ronna herman. The part of the traditional worldview that speaks to the imagination is the teaching of the seven spheres. More and more precious souls are questioning their basic beliefs and examining their life patterns, the many structures they have built, both physical and mental, which make up their personal reality. The structure of the macrocosmic universal tree of life is replicated within the microcosmic personal tree of life, the 12 tree grid.

A brief tour of higher consciousness is a userfriendly, comical approach to what can be impenetrable subject matter. Please practice handwashing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. The crystalline orbs are light energies of higher dimension and operate in crystalline function. In esoteric cosmology, a plane is conceived as a subtle state, level, or region of reality, each. Individual human anatomy manifests upon and within the multidimensional layers instructed by the core. The crystalline grid is the light body of the awakened earth. In geometry, a sphere packing is an arrangement of nonoverlapping spheres within a containing space. The first chakra is connected with personal consciousness. The fifth realm is a crystalline group consciousness made from plasma, sound, sacred geometries and light, and earths crystals are deeply connected it. Dear ascending family, the fascia crystalline network within our body has been impacted by the lower net mutations in the corrupted 3d elemental structure, and this connective tissue matrix is undergoing an ongoing transformation with a sequential process of reencryption upgrades. Some time ago we gave you the gift of seven crystalline spheres of higher consciousness, whereby you began the process of returning your chakra system to a harmonious state, by breathing spheres of light from your god seed atom i am presence into each of the seven major chakra centers of the physical body.

Feb 15, 2017 the 5th density of consciousness has been called the density of balanced polarity. In other words it is the higher vibrational, multidimensional ascension grid of gaia, sophia, mother earth. Some time ago we gave you the gift of seven crystalline spheres of higher consciousness whereby you began the process of returning your chakra system to a harmonious state by breathing spheres of light from your divine i am presence into each of the seven major chakra centers of the physical body. The states of existence described in the chapter 4 are not just abstractions, but can be explored and experienced through consciousness raising exercises and esoteric and spiritual discipline. Its the 5th dimensional and higher grid of consciousness, light and energy that flows coherently around and within the planet at all times. What is really happening and how will it affect you. From the buddhaic plane, energy returns to its source, the tao. Crystalline lightbody evolving christedcrystal body ascending state unity consciousness body being body no physical doing shifting out of ego separation mode and expanding into new unity consciousness state further activation of divine aspects for clearing lower ego aspects distortions all divine feminine soft energies. Inevitably, in our thinking of consciousness we move away from treating it as a perfect continuum, and towards defining states and levels of consciousness. It receives divine ascension energies from the center of the galaxy, dispersing its light throughout the earth. The angelic, devic and human kingdoms all inhabit each of the spheres. In the book, from intellect to intuition, alice bailey comments that. At this level, the ascending being will still have an sto or sts orientation, as had emerged as they entered 4th density. The most fascinating part of all of this is how this great alignment has impacted the vibration and consciousness on the planet.

Connecting with the crystalline grid and anchoring. A plane refers to all the matter in the universe that is formed from a particular type of atom. Feb 14, 2014 feb 14, 2014 super seven the stone of higher consciousness stay safe and healthy. Throughout the seven spheres of the spirit matter cosmos, karma is the law of. The second chakra, the hara, with collective, genetic consciousness. Levels of consciousness four stages of inner realisation. The consensus was that the celestial spheres were made of some kind of continuous fluid.

The different spiritual spheres also contain different degrees of spiritual energy with the highest spheres containing the greatest pulsation of life. Angela barnett crystal magic i dont know if you have read any of the 12 dna from the music of the spheres book. Spiritual intelligence, the cosmology of consciousness, music. It illustrates the ancient western systems of the three soul levels and seven soul centers that function as steps on a mystical ladder of ascent to higher consciousness. We are evolving towards crystalline consciousness pranic. Discover how to synchronize your energy with this grid, harnessing the planetary powers to awaken your higher consciousness. Your causal body has spheres of cosmic consciousnessseven planes of. In general, we use only very little of what we are capable of and use very little, or not at all, of the perception of the seven spheres. But they will know that they must attain a better balance between the two by expressing more of the opposite polarity. Representing the higher mystery school teachings of the gene keys, it includes the teaching of the seven seals, the seven sacred bodies and the nine initiations.

This is where the question, what is crystalline consciousness. Higher density blog my spiritual path and quest for ascension led me to begin higher density blog in late 2012. The tarot of the sevenfold mystery expresses the transcendental philosophy that is linked to the origin of the tarot. Higher consciousness is the consciousness of a god or the part of the human mind that is capable of transcending animal instincts. Crystals of consciousness activated for your ascension. Indonesia is a semiannual journal devoted to the timely study of indonesias culture, history, government, economy, and society. The spheres considered are usually all of identical size, and the space is usually threedimensional euclidean space.

The seven shamanic levels of consciousness soul guidance. Spiritual intelligence, the cosmology of consciousness. Mar 14, 2017 crystals of consciousness activated for your ascension the sound frequency of your soul transmits to you though a feedback loop, activating and responding through your dna as the transmitters and receivers of your crystals of consciousness. Cosmic consciousness by richard maurice bucke read the. Levels of consciousness scientific research publishing. However, sphere packing problems can be generalised to consider unequal spheres, spaces of other dimensions where the problem becomes circle packing in two dimensions, or. Discover how the 144 crystalline grid will awaken your. The empowering gift of forgiveness higher self portal. The concept was significantly developed in german idealism, and is a central notion in contemporary popular spirituality. In these celestial models, the apparent motions of the fixed stars and planets are accounted for by treating them as embedded in rotating spheres made of an aetherial, transparent fifth element quintessence, like jewels set. Incorrect book the list contains an incorrect book please specify the title of the book. Bentov keeps in touch with his audience by providing it with images and physical analogies. Similar to how our torus fields expand to merge with the 5d level of self and beyond.

Beloved masters, as the higher frequencies of light and creator wisdom permeate the earth and humanity, a radical shift in consciousness is taking place. Embodiment affects the light quotient of the planet, and her grids shift to the higher dimensional crystalline grid as the lower realities dissipate. Many of us have been experiencing the intensification of structural. Love mercy metta moral courage patience seven virtues wisdom. For example, the mental plane is the sum total of all the matter that is formed out of 3atoms. The celestial spheres, or celestial orbs, were the fundamental entities of the cosmological models developed by plato, eudoxus, aristotle, ptolemy, copernicus, and others. Dec 01, 2018 higher self is a community portal on the topics of the uni verse, astrology, numerology, sacred geometry, quantum energies, epigenetics, lightworkers, channeling our galactic family, ascended masters, and angels, twin flames, unconditional love, and about the latest news from the higher realms, the nature of reality, our liberation, and ascension. Deep immersion in the teachings of the corpus christi assists you in grounding and embodying the higher. The seven shamanic levels of consciousness is a book by dirk gillabel explaining the seven stages and types of consciousness shamans use all over the world for healing, soul travel and spiritual development. The process of clearing, harmonizing and balancing the seven major chakras of the physical body results in an important initiation process called the opening of the seven seals of godconsciousness.

See all 21 formats and editions hide other formats and editions. In his book the spectrum of consciousness wilber describes consciousness as. The slowest speed of vibration occurs on the physical plane. The urantia book paper the sacred spheres of paradise. Inappropriate the list including its title or description facilitates illegal activity, or contains hate speech or ad hominem attacks on a fellow goodreads member or author. The 144 crystalline grid is an aspect of the new 5d consciousness matrix. Creation blueprints are stored here as crystalline plasma packages of living intelligence. Sep 01, 2018 you could call it a transmutation or baptism by fire, a burning and releasing of old frequency patterns to allow the higher, more refined crystalline cells of consciousness to infiltrate and take dominion within.

Cosmic consciousness by richard maurice bucke can be read for free at the free library of metaphysical new thought books and texts with links to new thought communities and teachers worldwide. In his book autobiography of a yogi, paramhansa yogananda provides. The seven levels of consciousness are part of shamanic practice and cosmology necessary to understand man in his totality, and to know who he is and what he is capable of. Upon each of these spheres, there is a temple or mystery school where we can travel. Lynn andrews, new york timesbestselling author of the medicine woman series. Some time ago we gave you the gift of seven crystalline spheres of higher consciousness, whereby you began the process of returning your chakra system to. Please read the list and select the numbers of three chosen for the pouch. The seven spheres are sometimes referred to as the aura of the divine. Books crystal collection crystal hearts crystal points crystal spheres balls. Opening the seven seals of godconsciousness ascension now. Most occult and esoteric teachings are in agreement that seven planes of. Edward grant, a historian of science, has provided evidence that medieval scholastic philosophers generally considered the celestial spheres to be solid in the sense of threedimensional or continuous, but most did not consider them solid in the sense of hard.

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution for mankind. Quest for mastery level 1, cashel, tipperary holistic. Familiarization with the seven rays of god consciousness and the five higher rays. Just as there are seven colors in the rainbow and seven tones in a musical scale, each with a different vibratory rate, there are seven planes of existence on the spectrum of creation.

The mystery of the seven seals theosophical society in america. The theosophical society in america encourages openminded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual selftransformation. Not all viruses are bad, nor are all the uncomfortable symptoms you are experiencing. Jun 30, 2009 some time ago we gave you the gift of seven crystalline spheres of higher consciousness whereby you began the process of returning your chakra system to a harmonious state by breathing spheres of light from your divine i am presence into each of the seven major chakra centers of the physical body. When i work with crystals, im connected to everything, i drop into a space and the soul consciousness can see everything. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5d abilities, universe within, unity consciousness, new science, galactics, awakening humanity and arts of creation weave the fabric of higher density blog. But theres much confusion about what this ascension shift means. A portion of the information is in his third book of messages, your sacred quest. Stages of higher consciousness integral esotericisn part. These most often occurred as blue or golden spheres before the establishment of the 144 crystalline grid. With these objects in mind, the author has done all in his power to make this book of real value to all who may obtain it.

My suggested hypothesis is, from a spiritual and physiological perspective, that the cosmological blueprint of consciousness and our body is brought into form as a primary function of the music of the spheres, om, amen, christ, buddha, muhammad, or krishna consciousness being transmitting through our bodys dna. The seven spheres of consciousness have all kinds of connections with the seven chakras. Seven cups of consciousness is a book that inspires and empowersif you are at all interested in changing your life using an alternative, higher dimensional approach, this is a mustread. It is the architecture of our multidimensional consciousness orientation the core manifestation body foundation. You will often hear things such as this crystal is useful to connect to the angelic. The pythagoreans of ancient greece studied the cosmic music of the spheres, or planets, in order to. One of the best books ever written on this topic is by itzhak bentov called a brief tour of higher consciousness. After physical and emotional tensions have disappeared, imagine a sphere around you that is your only sense of perception.

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